The best stories in Medina County!



Stephanie Polinski

“Back to Our Roots”


Stephanie Polinski is married and has six children. She owns and operates Crazy 8 Custom Cakes, LLC, a custom-cake business that can be found at


Her family ended up buying chickens so she would have an easy, fresh supply of eggs for her cake business.


It was while Polinski was taking dairy/cheese classes that she saw posted an extension class for making herbal remedies. At that time, COVID was in full swing and it was a struggle to find over-the-counter medicines so she and her husband decided something was better than nothing and she enrolled in the class for cold and flu herbal remedies.


Once she had completed the class, the remedies sat for approximately eight weeks on a shelf in her home. Then, one of her children got sick. She gave the child a dose of her herbal remedy and was shocked that it not only worked, but it worked faster and better than anything they had been buying for years.


Her daughter has rare lung issues and they found the herbal remedy worked better for her than the medications that had been prescribed. Polinski then tried it on her younger son who has severe sinusitis and activity-induced asthma who had been constantly absent from school at the age of 6 with constant cough. He no longer has the issue as well now.


This inspired Polinski to continue using the remedies she had learned to make and was shocked every time at how well they worked. She started taking more and more classes to try to learn as much as she could.


It quickly became a passion for Polinski to learn as much as she can about the herbal remedies. She started growing her own herbs so she could be sure she was using exactly the herbs she needed.


   “I just want to help more people who are interested. Some things legally I can't sell because has (an) alcohol base, so I just want to share the recipes and help instead. Just have to be careful if taking other over counter medications, nursing or pregnant on some remedies,” Polinski said.


   The information in the “Back to Our Roots” column is being presented for educational purposes only and any claims of results are based solely on the author’s own personal experience.

   Results may vary and there is no guarantee that results will be the same for others or that the recipe or its individual ingredients are safe for use.

   The author is not a doctor and does not have any kind of medical training,

   Please do your own research on each listed ingredient as well as the combination thereof to ensure you can safely use it.

   Some ingredients in herbal remedies can interact with other medications or while nursing or pregnant. It is up to each individual to do their own research and/or to consult with medical personnel.

   The author, the magazine, nor its corporation accept any responsibility for the misuse or any and all consequences to your health or to the health of others that may result from the use of this recipe or following the advice presented.